Women of the Revolution

Elizabeth Zane

Lydia Darragh
Mary Lindley Murray
Besty Ross
Mary Ludwig Hays
Martha Washington
Elizabeth Zane
Mercy Otis Women
Rebecca Motte
Sybil Ludington
Phillis Wheatley
Nancy Hart
Margaret Corbin
Catherine Moore Barry
Martha Bratton
Abigail Adams

Elizabeth Zane

Elizabeth Zane

Elizabeth Zane volunteered to retrieve needed gunpowder at her brother's house for Fort Herny. They had a shortage of gunpowder.Indians were out but they didn't shot her. When she came back they noticed that she had gunpowder in her apron. The Indians started to fire, barely missing her. Soon reinforcements arrived for the next day. They saved the fort from falling into Indian's hands.

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 This Project is Presented By Kristen and Ray